Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Morgan rides a bike

Morgan learned to ride a bike without training wheels yesterday. Woohoo! One of the drawbacks of my schedule--close to 100 percent of my time I am either working or with both kids, is that it is very difficult to do things like teach Morgan to ride a bike. Yesterday morning Maia was not cooperating about taking some medicine at breakfast. I saw that Adam was writing a letter to his mother and did not seem as though he would be doing any actual work any time soon, so I asked him to take over Maia while I went to the cul de sac across from our house with Morgan.

Within a few minutes she was crying, "I can't do it! I can't do it!" as she was getting better and better at riding her bike. After about half an hour, still crying "I can't do it!" she was riding. Yay.

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